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Evidence for Action Conference Branding

Client: Population Council & Zambian Ministry of Health

The Evidence for Action conference was hosted in 2017 by the Population Council and the Zambian Ministry of Health to showcase primary and community health research in Zambia.

I led the design for this conference, starting with a style guide which was then applied to numerous print and digital products. Printed paraphernalia included folders, banners, the agenda, nametags, and more. The digital component involved getting the conference up and running on Whova (an app designed specifically for conferences), a daily newsletter, and social media.

A Zambian Brand

The Zambian MoH wanted the national colors and flag of Zambia to feature prominently at this conference. While the flag itself is historic, through typography and an energetic pattern, I created a “modern meets traditional” design that would resonate with the theme of the conference while still being attractive to the primary audience attending the event. It received high praise from the Ministry of Health and the numerous speakers at the event.